There are moments when
I'd like to suffocate through an orgasm
Have my last breathes be
A moment of pleasure and pain
Rising above my physical form
And connecting with my spiritual norm
I seek comfort in asphyxiation
The moment you're about to peak
Blood pumping violently through your veins
Your lungs holding captive the air you need to speak
The interesting part is
The connection between pain and pleasure
Or better said, pleasure in pain
I know that they're one of the same
I remember the smell of your skin
When I hold its warmth pressed against my lips
All I want is to make you sin
But its never been a sin
Its always been two bodies connected on a realm we thought shouldn't exist
It seems when I desire to unravel every inch of your mind
After every stroke accompanied by silent moans in disguise
I'm also unravelling every inch of my own soul
Through the silence that never seems to hold.