thursday december 21 2023
Someone close to me today said, dream big. Your future can't be limited by your scope of what's possible, and that got me thinking. To be grateful is actually misleading. These days, everything feels like a dream come true, I'm filled with an overwhelming feeling that no matter what I do, I can't thank the Universe enough for all these blessings. But then I ask myself, do I even need to? Some say that certain things like love, success and enlightnement are things they deserve; I actually dislike the word deserve. We're not entitled to anything. Perhaps, the better word, is destined. To stop in my tracks at every step of the way, to take the time to thank the Universe, is actually a distraction. Because the thought of gratitude no longer needs to be reiterated, it is now and forever has been embedded in my very existence. The fear of failure, the self doubt, and the fear of being grateful so I don't lose what I've gained, has only become a limited force. One can't fear to lose what has been destined to give. That's the thing really, the fear that this wasn't meant for me; if I don't belittle myself in the face of the Universe then it will all be taken away. We are not building these blocks on chance and temporary success, this is for life. So perhaps it is time to start dreaming again; time to allow myself to let the mind wander and day dream to its hearts content. For too long have I stifled my visions in fear that they'll never come true. This year, this month, has been proof that what you envision is exactly what will come to fruition, and if it isn't, then its further than your fears could have ever taken you. Back then I didn't have these beliefs, all I had was my desire to write, but nothing else to show me why I can believe. Now I feel I have to let the bird out of the cage. It has longed to stretch its wings, knowing from the inception of its birth that flying is but the start. Regardless of the clouds or rain or snow, to believe is more than mere hope, it's the unrelenting trust in one self: to know.